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5559 results
Free health care operation: some private health facilities suspended
Free health care operation: some private health facilities suspended
Burkina Faso

In a note dated March 4, 2024, the Ministry of Health invites managers of private, non-denominational health facilities to temporarily suspend the implementation of free healthcare for women and children under the age of 05, from March 1, 2024.The note signed by the...

Focus on German-Cameroonian cooperation for the CSU
Focus on German-Cameroonian cooperation for the CSU

On April 12, 2023, the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie, launched phase 1 of universal health coverage (UHC). The launch was made possible by German development cooperation.The launch of phase 1 of the CSU in Cameroon was presented as "one of the...

Belgium: health system summary 2024

The European Observatory has published Belgium's health systems summary based on the 2020 Belgium Health System Review with significant updates on data, policy and reforms. Belgium's healthcare system is of high quality, yet challenges persist in antibiotic and...

Malawi National Health Policy: Towards Universal Health Coverage

The Malawi National Health Policy is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals and aims to tackle challenges like inadequate healthcare provision, weak governance, and limited resources. The policy serves as a crucial governance document to align stakeholders toward...

Malawi National Health Financing Strategy 2023-2030

Malawi is committed to attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC), aiming to improve access to healthcare services without imposing excessive financial burdens on its citizens. Aligned with international commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Malawi has...

The Economics Behind Health and Equity
The Economics Behind Health and Equity

Country-specific approaches to financing health systems and vaccines in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region can improve health outcomes while reducing out-of-pocket expenditure - Salzburg Global SeminarMENA Health Financing: The Middle East and North Africa...

The cost of inaction on health equity and its social determinants

Investments in social determinants can offset declines in human capital and reduce the risk of costly syndemics, while also ensuring fair access to healthcare innovations.The BMJ Global Health article underscores the urgency of investing in health equity and its...

Pandemic Response: Understanding Day Zero Financing

Day Zero Financing, a global security initiative to ensure sufficient pre-committed funds, will ensure immediate funds for pandemic response, fostering global health security and equity. The concept of Day Zero Financing is introduced as a proactive approach to global...

Impact of poor hospital WASH on health & economy
Impact of poor hospital WASH on health & economy

A series of reports by WaterAid explores the severe economic and health consequences of lack of basic water and hygiene services in healthcare facilities for low- and middle-income countries. WaterAid's latest research highlights the dire consequences of insufficient...