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5637 results
Medical insurance to be expanded for family use
Medical insurance to be expanded for family use

China has expanded medical insurance accounts to cover their immediate family members: spouses, parents, and children. They will be able to use the personal account of the insured. Previously, only insured employees can use their personal accounts to...

WHO is looking for a Consultant in Health Financing

WHO published, on 05 May 2021, a request for proposals for a Consultant to work on strategic purchasing and digital technologies for health financing The Request for proposals is published on the United Nations Global Market website:...

Why PFM is Key for the Effective Roll Out of COVID-19 Vaccines
Why PFM is Key for the Effective Roll Out of COVID-19 Vaccines

Written by Hélène Barroy, Federica Margini, Triin Habicht, Tomas Roubal, Peter Cowley and Joseph Kutzin As COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out globally, the number one question for many low-and-middle income countries is how much it is going to cost to procure...

Fighting malaria in Burkina Faso: free treatment alone is not enough!
Fighting malaria in Burkina Faso: free treatment alone is not enough!
Burkina Faso

Measures are being taken by the government to facilitate access to care for patients. The aim is to eliminate the disease by the end of 2030. How are these measures perceived by the local population, and what is their assessment of the measures put in place ? A...

Габон: CANAMGS вводит в действие карту здоровья
Габон: CANAMGS вводит в действие карту здоровья

По итогам двухдневного семинара при поддержке Национальной кассы страхования от болезней и социальных гарантий (CNAMGS) была принята "дорожная карта", призванная сделать качественную медицинскую помощь эффективной в глубинке. В целях оперативного управления...

Габон: CANAMGS вводит в действие карту здоровья
Gabon: CANAMGS operationalizes the health card

At the end of a two-day workshop, a roadmap was adopted, with the support of the Caisse national d'assurance maladie et de garantie sociale (CNAMGS), to make quality medical care effective in the hinterland. In view of the operationalization of the health...

Increased public funding despite fall in revenues

Budget execution reports issued in April 2021, both at Health and Finances level, show that while revenue collection decreased in 2020, global spending increased, while debt operations remained equal. The role of external funding in this case, especially the EU grant...