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5637 results
Monitoring public health policies: CSOs take stock in Burkina Faso
Monitoring public health policies: CSOs take stock in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Since 2018, the National Council of Civil Society Organizations (CNOSC/BF) has been engaged in citizen monitoring of public service provision in the health sectors. The Hauts-Bassins and Nord regions are in the sights of this federation of civil society organizations,...

Burkina Faso validates free treatment for HIV patients
Burkina Faso validates free treatment for HIV patients
Burkina Faso

Under the aegis of the President of Faso, the Conseil national de lutte contre le SIDA et les infections sexuellement transmissibles held its 19th ordinary session. It was an opportunity to validate the new HIV control framework covering the period...

Free healthcare in Burkina Faso: Call for improved budget allocations
Free healthcare in Burkina Faso: Call for improved budget allocations
Burkina Faso

On April 15, Save the Children held an information and advocacy workshop on the need to improve access to healthcare for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5. This workshop follows on from a project to improve maternal and child health (PASMI) implemented in the...

COVID-19: Какое влияние на повестку дня CSU оказывают африканские страны? ВЕБИНАР в четверг 20 мая 2021 года
COVID-19: Какое влияние на повестку дня CSU оказывают африканские страны? ВЕБИНАР в четверг 20 мая 2021 года

До начала пандемии несколько африканских стран находились в процессе распространения положений о всеобщем охвате населения услугами здравоохранения (ВОМЗ). Пандемия не поставила под сомнение цели, которые ставит перед собой CSU, напротив, кризис можно...

Patients in tents asked to pay ₱1k per hour without PhilHealth coverage
Patients in tents asked to pay ₱1k per hour without PhilHealth coverage

Filipinos housed in what are being called hospital tents outside hospitals due to the shortage of beds are being charged 1000 Pesos (about 20 USD) an hour despite being covered by the country’s national health insurance scheme PhilHealth. For an overnight stay, this...

Vaccine Purchase: WB to provide $500m more
Vaccine Purchase: WB to provide $500m more

The World Bank has agreed to provide $500 million to Bangladesh in additional financing to buy Covid-19 vaccines. The main objective of the WB's additional financing for this project is -- vaccination of 31 percent of the total population of the country through...

​Vaccine Procurement and Financing Benefits from a Coherent Approach
​Vaccine Procurement and Financing Benefits from a Coherent Approach

Nepal has largely been dependent on its neighbours India and China for its supply of COVID-19 vaccines both purchased and received as donations as the two countries’ attempt to use vaccine diplomacy to strengthen their influence on the small Himalayan...

Global spending on health: Weathering the storm
Global spending on health: Weathering the storm

The 2020 Report analyses global health spending for 190 countries from 2000 to 2018 and provides insights as to the health spending trajectory from the MDG era to the SDG era prior to the crisis of 2020. The report shows that global spending on health continually rose...