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Job – OPS/OMS en Haïti
Haiti L’appel à candidatures ferme le 26 septembre 2020.

COVID-19. 3ème bilan du CARDH sur l’état d’urgence en Haïti

L’état d’urgence sanitaire en Haïti : Une opération de corruption, de paupérisation et de violation de droits humains. En vue de boucler son travail de vigile sur l’état d’urgence sanitaire en Haïti, le Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l’homme (CARDH)...


More than 200 high-level individuals have been involved in L4UHC, from health and financial specialists through to politicians and representatives of civil society. Find out what they think about the programme, and how it has helped countries progress UHC, in the...

(Blog, FMI)
Haiti " ... Le soutien de la communauté internationale est essentiel pour permettre aux PDFR de lutter contre la pandémie et de reprendre vigueur....

(Blog, GFP FMI)
(Blog, GFP FMI)

"En respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, muchos países crearon fondos extrapresupuestarios (FEE)[2 ] para movilizar recursos y racionalizar las medidas de gasto de emergencia. Una nota del FMI publicada recientemente examina el papel que estos fondos pueden estar...

(Blog, GFP FMI)
(Blog, GFP FMI)

"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries set up extra-budgetary funds (EBFs)[2] to mobilize resources and streamline emergency spending measures. A recently published IMF note examines the role these funds may play in the current crisis. The note examines...

Nepal boosts drugs availability – August 2020
Nepal boosts drugs availability – August 2020

Nepal has made significant progress in improving drug availability in districts. Pukar Malla, an executive coach at the Nepal Leadership Academy, explains how L4UHC helped create a safe space to innovate, and the importance of starting small and thinking big. Nepal...