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5637 results
Presidential commitment to universal health coverage in Chad

During WHO's Africa Regional Director's visit to Chad, the President of Chad and the Regional Director discuss universal health coverage and the willingness of Chad to improve access to services and financial protection of the population in case of illnesses....

The Ministry of Health sends a request for support to the P4H network

The French development Agency (AFD) informs the other P4H partners about its plan to carry out a health financing survey focusing on the results of the presidential initiative to provide hospital emergency services for free in Chad. AFD shares the terms of reference...

Initial joint P4H mission from June 20 to 24, 2011

A joint P4H scoping mission comprising WHO, World Bank, France, Switzerland, European Union and the P4H Coordination Desk runs from 20 to 24 June 2011. After two days of meetings with different Ministry of Health officials and development partners, the scoping mission...

Initial joint P4H mission from June 20 to 24, 2011

A joint P4H scoping mission comprising WHO, World Bank, France, Switzerland, European Union and the P4H Coordination Desk runs from 20 to 24 June 2011. After two days of meetings with different Ministry of Health officials and development partners, the scoping mission...

Launch of two studies and update of situation analysis sheets

During her third one-month assignment, the P4H technical assistant supported the launch of studies on expenditure at destination and on the real unit costs of healthcare services. Work also continued on documenting the various existing mechanisms.  

Government adopts national CSU strategy

On Thursday, September 3, 2019, the Chadian government adopted the national CSU strategy, which should enable the country to reach the situation in which all populations can obtain the health services they need (promotion services, (preventive, curative,...

Government adopts national CSU strategy

On Thursday, September 3, 2019, the Chadian government adopted the national CSU strategy, which should enable the country to reach the situation in which all populations can obtain the health services they need (promotion services, (preventive, curative,...

Validation of the CSU National Strategic Plan 2017-2019

On November 12, 2016, the Comité Technique de Suivi de la Couverture Santé Universelle (CSU) adopted the Plan Stratégique National de mise en place de la CSU au Tchad for the three-year period 2017-2019.

Round Table to mobilize resources for the CSU process in Chad

On December 6 and 7, 2016, Chad organized a roundtable to mobilize resources for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Universal Health Coverage 2017-2019. During the meeting, which took place in  the SAVANAH/SAHARA room at the HILTON hotel...

Round Table to mobilize resources for the CSU process in Chad

On December 6 and 7, 2016, Chad organized a roundtable to mobilize resources for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for Universal Health Coverage 2017-2019. During the meeting, which took place in  the SAVANAH/SAHARA room at the HILTON hotel...

Принятие Высшим комитетом СН-КСУ документа о программе медицинского страхования

17 июля 2018 года Высший комитет, являющийся высшим руководящим органом Национальной стратегии охвата населения медицинским обслуживанием , принял руководящий документ для программы медицинского страхования в Чаде. Настоящий документ подготовлен в...