P4H Webinar on COVID-19 and Health Financing in South Korea and China
You can find the recording of the webinar with the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i3syxBO9Xg
Prioridades para el financiamiento de salud en la respuesta al COVID-19
Actualmente, todos los países del mundo se encuentran afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19. La necesidad de actuar es urgente, pero la respuesta debe ser coherente. Sería de poca ayuda si la urgencia del momento conduce al caos en la forma en que los países y la...
Creation of the National Orientation Council of RAMU Burkina Faso
The Council of Ministers adopts the decree on the National Orientation Council for the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (CNO-RAMU). Chaired by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, the Conseil national d'orientation du Régime d'assurance maladie universelle is...
How to budget for COVID-19 response? A quick scan of the budgetary mechanisms in the most affected developed countries.
The COVID-19 pandemic requires sufficient public funding to ensure a comprehensive response. The reprioritization of public spending to protect the economy and strengthen the health system's response requires timely action by government leaders and a favorable...
Follow-up table of the cross-cutting and sectoral recommendations of the joint aide-mémoire of the Troika of technical and financial partners as at December 31, 2019 in Burkina Faso
The status of follow-up on the recommendations of the joint TFP aide-memoire at the end of December 2019 transmitted by DG COOP. A good way to get a cross-sectional view of the concerns of Burkina Faso's government and partners, with a possible sectoral zoom on health...
Priorities for health financing systems in response to COVID-19
To date, every country in the world has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Action is urgently needed, but the response must be coherent. It will do no good if the urgency of the moment leads to chaos in the response of both countries and the international...
Priority health financing challenges to combat COVID-19
On April 02, 2020, the Health Financing Team of WHO shared views on Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19 that reflected collective effort and thinking of WHO's health financing experts working in WHO's Headquarters and Regional Offices. This...
Priority health financing challenges to combat COVID-19
On April 02, 2020, the Health Financing Team of WHO shared views on Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19 that reflected collective effort and thinking of WHO's health financing experts working in WHO's Headquarters and Regional Offices. This...
Priorities for the Health Financing Response to COVID-19
By now, every country in the world is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The need to act is urgent, but the response must be coherent. It will be of little help if the urgency of the moment leads to chaos in how countries and the global community respond. This...
How do you budget for the COVID-19 response? A rapid analysis of budgetary mechanisms in heavily affected countries
Hélène Barroy (World Health Organization, Headquarters); Ding Wang (World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Americas); Claudia Pescetto (World Health Organization, Headquarters); Joseph Kutzin (World Health Organization, Headquarters). 1) Use existing...
How to budget for COVID-19 response? A rapid scan of budgetary mechanisms in highly affected countries
Please refer to the BLOG here: https://p4h.world/en/how-do-you-budget-for-the-covid-19-response-a-rapid-analysis-of-budgetary-mechanisms-in-heavily-affected-countries/ A French version of the blog will be circulated in the next days.
How to budget for COVID-19 response? A rapid scan of budgetary mechanisms in highly affected countries
Hélène Barroy (World Health Organization, Headquarters); Ding Wang (World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office); Claudia Pescetto (World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Americas); Joseph Kutzin (World Health Organization, Headquarters) 1....
CR Reunion GTN_CSU_Session 6
Holding of the 6th session of the CSU National Technical Group on Wednesday, March 04, 2020 in the conference room of the Ministry of Public Health. The session was chaired by the Minister of Public Health and the Minister of Labor and Social Security.
CSU_Système Information: Specifications
On a fast track to Universal Health Coverage in Pakistan
Healthy DEvelopements currently features an article "On a fast track to Universal Health Coverage in Pakistan" which retraces important steps in Pakistan’s progress towards providing health for all. As a trusted partner, Germany has been accompanying Pakistan’s...