The Phnom Penh Post: “NSSF covers over 8k patients”
The Phnom Penh Post, 7 September 2018: "Some 8,727 patients received medical treatment under The National Social Security Fund’s (NSSF) healthcare programme introduced for civil servants this year. In the first six months, the NSSF spent $14 million to provide a range...
RAMU analysis for ARCH Benin 2018
In 2011, the Benin government launched a compulsory health risk management scheme called Régime d'Assurance Maladie Universelle (RAMU). But this health insurance scheme, which is in principle contributory and compulsory, has produced mixed results. In line with its...
Act n°4 of the SGTT RAMU Benin
The SGTT RAMU took a critical look at the RAMU bill.
Document patrage: proceedings of SGTT RAMU n°4
Where the SGTT RAMU makes a critical analysis of the draft law
Document sharing: analysis of the RAMU for the implementation of the AM component of ARCH in Benin
Benin was in danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, i.e. the UHIP experiment with its mixed results, to embark on the highly ambitious ARCH project. It is to be hoped that this risk will be minimized by the production of this document, which makes an...
Mozambique considering regulation of user fees in hospitals and introduction of National Health Insurance
The Mozambique government is considering the introduction of Social Health Insurance and the regulation of fees charged by hospital units as part of the sector’s financing strategy, a government source announced. The ideas were presented on Wednesday by Daniel Simone...
Establishing a Routine Health Services Costing System
Awareness of the costs of health care services is a prerequisite to deliver them effectively and efficiently in the context of scarcely available financial resources, and aids managers to optimally deliver health care. For social health protection schemes knowledge of...
Joint workshop on Equity: Concepts, Tools and Methods for Analysts and Users (September 3-7)
The US Center for Disease Control, Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine and P4H joined financial resource for the National Institute of Public Health to facilitate a workshop on Equity and UHC. The workshop aimed at raising general awareness on equity amongst...
Special P4HC+ Meeting on Quality of Care Indicators
To inform the development of the M&E tool for the National Social Protection Policy Framework, a special meeting was held on August 31st by P4HC+, attended by representatives of HP+, GIZ, WHO, USAID and agencies making up the pooled funding arrangement H-EQIP...
Joint meeting between the Social Assistance Group and P4HC+
On August 20th P4HC+ joint the Social Assistance Group’s meeting to take stock of respective activities and exchange updates. The opportunity was also taken to have Robert Kolesar of Health Policy Plus (HP+) present his work-in-progress on a Monitoring and Evaluation...
ToR consultant PAH energy and health
The energy and health consultant will develop the energy section of the country profile, including the mapping of energy policies, as well as the identification and maintenance of stakeholders in the energy sector, particularly at the energy policy level.
TdR consultant HAP environnement et santé
The Environment and Health consultant will develop the environmental section of the country profile, including the mapping of environmental policies related to domestic energy, identify and interview environmental stakeholders, including people working for civil...
ToR PAH consultant – household health pollution
The health - household pollution consultant will develop the public health section of the country profile, including the mapping of public health policies in which household pollution / household energy is included or could be integrated, as well as the identification...
HAP study report outline
Studies on PAHs are still rare (India, Ghana, Ethiopia), but the WHO has already capitalized on this work and is proposing a report format for future studies. The Burkina study will be the first in a French-speaking country.
Household air pollution study
With technical and financial support from the WHO, the French Ministry of Health has launched a study into household air pollution (HAP). A little-known and little-studied area, PAH may account for more than half of pollution-related health problems, and represents...