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Search - P4H Network
5645 results
Relaunching the P4H Network in Indonesia and exploring L4UHC options

USAID/Indonesia indicated to the P4H Coordination Desk (CD) that they would like to support the establishment of P4H in the country in order to improve the dynamics and coherence of collaboration, and second, to discuss options for responding to a DJSN request about...

Single National Health Insurance Actuarial Study
Tanzania, United Republic of

The actuarial study was finalised an is currently being discussed by the Ministry of Health and partners to understand and critically review the different assumptions upon which the sustainability models are based. Final report signed_28.02.17_updated A workshop to...

Status Up-date: Health Financing Strategy Cabinet Papers
Tanzania, United Republic of

P4H was requested at the end of February 2017 to support the revision of the HFS cabinet papers. This is the first time partner support had been requested in this process step.  In a 2-day work session supported by GIZ-P4H Programme, USAID-PS3 programme and WHO the...

Health Financing Strategy implementation

After successful endorsement of its health financing strategy, Uganda has now embarked on the development of a related implementation plan.  Work is currently on-going.

RBF process assessment up-dates
Tanzania, United Republic of

The RBF scheme  completed its pre-pilot phase in Kishapu district of Shiniyanga Region and is rolling out gradually since beginning of 2016 in other regions. The initial pre-pilot phase was assessed against the originally intended RBF design for Tanzania end of 2016...

UHC study tour to Germany and Estonia

  The Government of Kenya (GoK), has made a strong commitment to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by the year 2030.  Anchored in the Kenya Constitution, 2010, UHC is identified as one of the pillars that will enable Kenyans realize the benefits of being a...