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5645 results
First Results Based Financing Steering Committee Meeting held
Tanzania, United Republic of

The first meeting of the RBF Steering Committee took place on 1st September 2015 under the chairmanship of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The Ministry is currently implementing its RBF pre-pilot in Shinyanga Region at Kishapu...

A proposal for a national social protection policy is circulated
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

See the draft document below and the ToR for the related roundtable scheduled for September 7-11, 2015. 2015_08_31_Gouv_RDC-Politique_nationale_protection_sociale 2015_08_31_TDR_table_ronde_protection_sociale_RDC

Summary of the joint WHO/WB/GIZ mission on CSU and GFF
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The mission's main conclusions are as follows: 1/ the 2016-2020 PNDS is the most urgent project for the MSP in the DRC; 2/ the GFF investment framework needs to be improved and 3/ the health financing strategy will need to be supplemented by an implementation plan...

Process update -/08/2015

Source: P4H Country Focal Point (GIZ)  A major activity was the formulation of the third Health Strategic Plan 2016-20, a consultative process that commenced at the start of this calendar year. Attention was paid to carefully integrate elements of the Health Financing...

Report on the evaluation of SNP in Niger, WHO mission

Dr Hyppolite Kalambay, WHO, carried out a specific support mission to assess Niger's national health policy. You will find Among other things, the report  includes important data on healthcare financing and exemption from payment (slides 7 to 10, 20 & 23)....

Proposed Technical Assistance on Health Financing in Malawi

The report summarizes a scoping mission undertaken by the World Bank regarding proposed technical assistance on health financing in Malawi. The mission aimed to understand the Malawian government's request for support in health financing and to establish a process for...

Two requests – one mission

The Government of Malawi is in the process of undertaking a series of reforms aimed at restructuring the health system and assessing financing options to ensure a more efficient, transparent and equitable health system.  Two requests. In this context, a...

Malawi – Notes of P4H teleconference

This report is a summary of a teleconference meeting hosted by P4H discussing health financing (HF) reforms in Malawi, attended by representatives from various organizations including WHO, GIZ, USAID, the World Bank, and others. The meeting covered several topics,...

Up-dates from this week’s Health Financing Working Group meeting
Tanzania, United Republic of

  The cabinet paper for the SNHI legislation currently being finalized together with the Attorney General with aim to submit it to cabinet mid/end August (before cabinet is dissolved in October).  The MOHSW HF unit is going to report during the next regular TWG...

Myanmar National Social Protection Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan was developed under the oversight of a Social Protection Working Committee (SPWC) that was formed at the direction of the Office of the President of Myanmar (Order No. 57/ 2014) and that is chaired by the Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief...