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Bangladesh WHO update on HF activities -/12/2014

Here an update on current activities received from the WHO country office in Bangladesh: 1. Preparations of a draft law on social health protection, so that institutions could be established to run an insurance pilot program, and recruit manpower to run a regulatory...

Minutes of P4H meeting -/12/2014
Tanzania, United Republic of

Please find below the minutes of a country level P4H Meeting in Tanzania on 11 December 2014: 2014_12_11_TZ_Minutes_P4H_Meeting

Leadership for UHC programme progressing well – Nov 2014

Learning among leaders. Thirty-one leaders from six African countries met in Kenya from 10-14 November 2014 for the second module of the Leadership for UHC Program, organized jointly by the GIZ and World Bank. Building on skills developed since the beginning of the...

Internal validation phase for the first version of the SN-CSU

The P4H advisor and the WHO consultant will visit Chad in November to support the internal validation of the first version of the national strategy towards universal health coverage. 2014_12_02_Marlene_Abrial-Rapport_mission_novembre2014

EU consultation report on SNFS formulation released

The Ministry of Health releases the draft version of the EU-funded consultation report on the formulation of the national health financing strategy. A workshop to validate this report is scheduled for January 2015. 2014_11_24_Consultant_UE-Rapport_provisoire_SNFS

Ugandan team participates in P4H Leadership programme – Nov 2014

After a series of consultations (see forum for details) Ugandan team participates in the second module of the P4H Leadership for UHC programme. [Forum link: /forums/topic/exploring-possible-participation-of-uga-in-uhc-leadership-programme/  ] Besides the learning and...

The MSP proposes ToRs for the creation of two CSU committees

The MSP general secretariat team circulates to the P4H network a proposed ToR for an intersectoral CSU steering committee and for a restricted CSU technical committee. 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Intersectoriel_CSU 2014_11_10_Projet_TdR_Comite_Technique_RestreintCSU