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Health Minister committed to increase health budget – Feb 2014

Intended Increase of the Health Budget! Shortly after the national UHC workshop and the Round-Table-Discussion, the Minister of Health makes public announcements about his intentions to increase the health budget.  Below are a selection of links of recent media...

National UHC stakeholder meeting and round table – Feb 2014

Update on 27 Feb 2014 P4H CD report of visit to Bangladesh 17-19 Feb 2014: 2014_02_27_Bangladesh__P4H_CD_report_visit_17-19Feb14   Here are the links to the presentations of the below mentioned National UHC Workshop: 2014_02_12_ICDDR-B_Fin-risk-protect-UHC-HEU...

MoH request to develop UHC options paper – Feb 2014

Request communicated to P4H CD by Munguti Nzoya (MoH) on Wednesday, 19 February 2014, The Ministry of Health TWG on UHC has finalized the ToR for consultancy services to develop an options paper for UHC in Kenya. The consultant will synthesize the three (draft)...

UHC situation assessment – draft reports (Oct2013-Feb2014)

[new draft report updates are marked in red] The UHC situation assessment has started in Sep 2013.  To keep an overview of various draft versions and comments from members, we've assigned this space to collect and list all draft reports and updates as well as the...