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5638 results
WHO deploys country level P4H advisor/coordinator

Ministry of Health has requested WHO support in three specific areas: (a)  a universal health coverage strategy (b)  a health financing strategy for UHC (c)   review of the health policy and plan in line with the UHC strategy   Sundar Gopalan joins WHO country...

Ugandan team attends (P4H) WBI-WHO-GIZ training in Kenya – June 2013

The Ugandan team working on a HFS participates in a training on HF organised by the World Bank Institute in collaboration with WHO and GIZ (funded by GIZ/P4H). The P4H CD made an effort to link this capacity building exercise with an upcoming P4H mission scheduled for...

The story of two HFS drafts…June 2013

The MoH has been working on a HFS draft with support from WHO and the WB since 2012, though with varied levels of intensity.  MoH draft HFS Section 1 and 2 At the same time, the Presidential Advisor on Health and Population has carried out a number of consultations...

GIZ/P4H visit – support to HFS implementation plan and P4H+ meeting

Background: Visit of Roland Panea (part of P4H Team in GIZ Head Office) providing technical support to the MoHFW's efforts to develop an implementation plan for the HFS. Agenda - proposed topics for discussion as part of the overall HFS: Taylor-made capacity...

Formation of UHC Technical Working Group in/05/2013

To facilitate the drafting and finalization of the Universal Health Coverage Strategy paper, a Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Health Financing ICC was created in May 2013.   Objectives and expected deliverables (for the period Jul - Nov 2013) - Define the...

Draft implementation plan

WHO/Dodo Banzon shares the draft implementation plan and presentation of the Bangladesh Health Care Financing Strategy to be presented to the Health Financing Resource Task Group (HFRTG) chaired by Secretary of Health on May 13 at 4 pm. After the meeting, the plan...

Request for support to HFS -/05/2013

Message from WR Uganda: 'Please find attached request for Technical Support to consolidate and finalize the HFS before close of the financial year 2012/13' Request for Support to Finalise the health Financing Strategy for Uganda

P4H CD visit 25 April – 3/05/2013

One of the P4H members – GER/GIZ – has been conducting a midterm evaluation of their social protection support programme to Indonesia from 25 April – 8 May 2013.  The CD has been invited to join this mission to review the German contribution to the Indonesian SHP/UHC...

1st ICC-HF meeting after elections

The Inter-agency Coordination Committee (ICC) on Health Financing (HF) meets the first time after the elections on 12 April 2013. Key issues are free maternal health and abolition of user fees at levels 2 and 3, as well as the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)...

Adoption of a social protection development plan in the DRC – March 2013
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Under the aegis of the Ministry of Employment, Labor and Social Security (METPS), the government adopts the social protection development plan developed by a multi-sector working group. See below. 2013_03_METPS_RDCongo-Plan_dvpt_protection_sociale