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P4H technical assistant’s first mission to Chad

The new P4H technical assistant's first one-month assignment focused on drawing up the ToR for the Technical Committee on Universal Health Coverage (CT-CUS) and defining its work program.  

HF reform discussion with non-governmental stakeholders – March 2013
Tanzania, United Republic of

After establishing an Interministerial Steering Committee (ISC) to develop a health financing reform agenda, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), supported by P4H partners, launches the second stage of stakeholder consultations. In the first of a series...

Nepal moves forward on HI policy – March 2013

The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) approves health insurance (HI) policy, advancing a health financing agenda, which, since early 2012 has been driven by the Prime Minister's commitment to developing a national HI scheme. Access to quality health care is a...

WB calls for P4H+ UHC meeting – February 2013

The World Bank asks the P4H network to facilitate a development partners meeting against the backdrop of currently ongoing discussions in India regarding support for the extension of universal health coverage (UHC). Attended by WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, GIZ, DfID and...

Developing an Investment Plan for the Health Care Financing Strategy

Having approved the Health Care Financing Strategy (HCFS), the Health Economics Unit (HEU) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is working towards the implementation. The next step will be the development of an Investment Plan (IP) that lays out the...

WHO/WB and P4H CD visit to Nepal, 21-24/01/2013

The health financing agenda over the past year was dominated by the PM/Cabinet's decision to develop a Health Insurance (HI) policy and scheme; time and energy have been focussed on HI, while the Health Financing Strategy (HFS) process eventually stalled or never...

ISC receives HF training -/12/2012
Tanzania, United Republic of

A delegation from the Tanzanian Interministerial Steering Committee (ISC) for health financing reform participates in the World Bank Institute’s Flagship Course on Health System Reform and Sustainable Financing. With support of the P4H partners from Germany and...

Launch of National Health Insurance Roadmap – Nov 2012

On 29 Nov 2012, Indonesia officially launched its National Roadmap for UHC   2012_10_Indonesia_NHI_Roadmap_2012-2019_draft_translation (this draft translation will be replaced by the official one as soon as we receive a copy)