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5636 results
Ministry of Health allocates resources to strengthen Primary Health Care
Ministry of Health allocates resources to strengthen Primary Health Care

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced the allocation of budgetary resources to strengthen primary health care through two resolutionsThe article highlights that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced the allocation of resources from...

The challenge of Social Security and Universal Health Coverage in the DRC
The challenge of Social Security and Universal Health Coverage in the DRC
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The management of the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS), the main source of funding for social security in the DRC, is based on a tripartite model involving workers, employers and the State. The transfer of social welfare to the Ministry of Health therefore...

Nurses invited to commit to the success of Universal Health Coverage
Nurses invited to commit to the success of Universal Health Coverage
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The ordinary congress of the national union of nurses of Congo (UNIC) was held in Kinshasa from June 24 to 26, 2024. On this occasion, they were invited to get involved in supporting Universal Health Coverage. " Advocacy for the labor rights of public sector nurses...

The fight against malaria: Cameroon faces a 55% financing gap
The fight against malaria: Cameroon faces a 55% financing gap

At the Special Parliamentary Day on Malaria, the Minister of Public Health pointed out that, despite the progress made in the fight against this disease, population coverage of prevention and treatment interventions remains insufficient due to inadequate funding....

CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
CMU: citizens still dissatisfied
Côte d’Ivoire

For the past five years, Ivorians have had access to universal health coverage. The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene is working hard to ensure that enrolment is effective throughout the country. Despite this, people still need to be convinced by the health...

New Zealand: Health budget 2024
New Zealand: Health budget 2024
New Zealand

New Zealand's 2024 health budget prioritizes frontline health services and workers to ensure healthcare access for all citizens.The top three new health investments (operating and capital) include: (1) hospital and specialist services, (2) primary, community, and...

Sláintecare progress monitoring 2021-2023

The Sláintecare report, published in 2017 provides the basis for Ireland’s efforts towards Universal Health Coverage. The strategy specific to the 2021-2023 period outlined two priority areas and identified programs to improve quality and accessibility of care. This...

Conclave of experts on health financing in West Africa
Conclave of experts on health financing in West Africa
Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, Togo

A meeting of African experts and stakeholders was held in Abidjan, from June 20 to 22, 2024, with the aim of discussing strategies to strengthen the role of the private sector in healthcare financing in West Africa.At the 32nd AU Assembly held in February 2019 in...

Affordable Care Act
United States of America

In March 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law (ACA).  This major step in health care reform had the objective to increase access to affordable health insurance in the United States of America.

Singapore’s senior citizens to get additional MediSave top-ups
Singapore’s senior citizens to get additional MediSave top-ups

Beginning in July, Singapore will offer additional MediSave top-ups to senior citizens to ensure the affordability of MediShield Life premiums.These top-ups will be provided in addition to the annual GST Voucher-MediSave top-ups for eligible Singaporeans aged 65 and...

Unified Health System

The Unified Health System was established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 to provide universal access to the public health system in Brazil.Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS) is one of the largest and most complex public health systems in the world. It covers...

Jordan National Health Accounts Main Indicators 2007-2019

National Health Accounts (NHA) is a basic tool of health sector management and policy development that describes how much a country spends on health, and maps out in detail the sources and uses of health care expenditures.