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6257 results
Medical Benefits Act
Antigua and Barbuda

The 2010 Medical Benefits Act establishes the Medical Benefits Board to administer the funds collected for the Health Benefits Scheme in Antigua and Barbuda.

NESC accepting the draft health financing strategy – April 2010

The draft healthcare financing strategy has been accepted by the National Economic and Social Council (NESC: national advisory agency for policy analysis and development – see website); both Ministries of Health are in the process of developing proposals for the...

Social Dialogue Programme – April 2010

Based on the recommendations coming out of a workshop held in December 2009, a social dialogue programme for 2010-2015 is submitted to the Health Insurance Council. The programme brings together representatives from government, trade unions and employers and is...

Developing a health financing strategy for Tanzania – April 2010
Tanzania, United Republic of

The Ministry of Health (MoH) / health financing strategy subgroup drafted a plan for the development of a health financing strategy, setting targets that include deciding on and constituting a “high-level steering committee” by May2010; producing a first draft of the...

First P4H joint action plan for Cambodia – March 2010

In line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2009, the local P4H network prepares its first P4H joint action plan. Scheduled activities and financial gaps are listed according to the main areas of work of both the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour...

Study Tour to the Philippines – February 2010

P4H supports a study tour of a delegation of decision makers from the Mongolian parliament, ministries, trade unions and employer associations to the Philippines. The aim is to learn from the experiences of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation over the past 15...

Steering Committee on SHP formed – February 2010

An inter-ministerial Steering Committee on social health protection (SHP) is formed under the chairpersonship of the Minister for Health and Population (MoHP). A Working Committee was also formed later in March with the responsibility to foster technical discussions...

Health financing review – January 2010

The Ministry of Health (MoH) and World Health Organization (WHO) carried out a health financing review supported by P4H to contribute to a deeper understanding of possible health financing options and to inform the planned health financing strategy process, including...

The National Health Services Strategic Plan 2010 – 2020

The 2010-2020 national health strategic plan for the Bahamas follows a systems approach which includes health financing. All aspects of health service provision are detailed. Implementation of appropriate and sustainable mechanisms for financing the health sector are...

Social Dialogue Workshop – December 2009

P4H, working in collaboration with ADB supports a consensus-building workshop on 3 Dec 09 at which the participants formally agree to embrace social dialogue to advance reform of the social health insurance system in Mongolia.

Making progress on a Health Financing Strategy – December 2009

P4H network partners have funded a 3-month assignment supporting the government in finalising and disseminating the Kenya Health Care Financing Strategy. This strategy is the result of a consultative process initiated by the MOH back in 2007, and has now been...

Joint mission of the P4H network to Senegal – December 2009
Joint mission of the P4H network to Senegal – December 2009

A joint P4H mission involving WHO, ILO, World Bank, AFD and GIP-SPSI is taking place in Dakar from December 7 to 11, 2009. The mission's objectives are to : assess the extent to which the national strategy for extending health insurance coverage is being implemented,...