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6062 results
Webinar 2 – Social Health Protection for Migrant Workers and Their Families
Webinar 2 – Social Health Protection for Migrant Workers and Their Families
Philippines, Singapore, Australia

The P4H Network and Australian National University (ANU) initiated a four-part webinar series titled Social Health Protection for Migrant Workers and Their Families that is scheduled to run through the summer of 2023. The webinar series promotes knowledge sharing and...

Burkina Faso: The effects of free healthcare for mothers and children
Burkina Faso: The effects of free healthcare for mothers and children
Burkina Faso

The 1st studies on the policy of free maternal and child healthcare only examined the effects on the use of services in certain localities. This comprehensive study also examines the effects of the policy on health outcomes, and analyzes its financial sustainability....

Cameroun-Projet Backup Santé : Rapport final

Le Ministère de la Santé a réalisé en 2020, une étude pour évaluer les politiques relatives au genre dans la santé du Cameroun, en collaboration avec le P4H et la GIZ. L’objectif de l‟étude était d‟analyser la transformation sociale favorable aux femmes à travers le processus de budgétisation en utilisant la méthodologie à l‟aide de l‟outil « Equity Budgeting Tool ».Selon les résultats de cette étude, des discriminations de genre persistent dans le secteur de la santé, même si des efforts sont déployés pour les réduire. Les inégalités sont visibles au niveau de l‟accessibilité à certains soins de santé pour les femmes et dans certains groupes spécifiques en milieu rural où se pose avec acuité la question de disponibilité des médicaments et structures de santé. Ainsi, la persistance de ces inégalités contredit les discours politiques et les stratégies nationales qui énoncent l‟élimination des inégalités liées au genre.
C‟est dans ce contexte que le Projet BACKUP SANTE de la GIZ, a commandité la présente étude qui se situe dans la continuité des initiatives antérieures mises en œuvre, afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux genre dans le financement de la santé, afin d‟atteindre les objectifs de la Couverture Santé Universelle.

Mali-AMO: An ambitious action plan for 2023
Mali-AMO: An ambitious action plan for 2023

The Caisse Malienne de Sécurité Sociale (CMSS) has held the 30th session of its Board of Directors, as well as one devoted to the delegated management of Compulsory Health Insurance (AMO). Several reforms are planned for 2023 to ensure that as many Malians as possible...

DRC-Gratuity: A step towards health coverage
DRC-Gratuity: A step towards health coverage
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Free childbirth in Kinshasa is a laudable initiative, as it would promote maternal health, equity and reduce maternal and newborn mortality rates. Is this a step towards the CSU? Patrick Ndjadi Ombombo, an expert in healthcare coverage, asks.For the Health Rights...

Сенегал-CMU: на примере региона Тамбакунда
Senegal-CMU: The Tambacounda region as an example

During a tour of the Tambacounda region on April 30, Aly Fall, technical advisor in charge of media and public relations at the Agence nationale de la couverture maladie universelle (ANCMU), highlighted the strong momentum of universal health coverage (CMU) in the...

Niger: Committed to MDG 3 by 2030
Niger: Committed to MDG 3 by 2030

On the occasion of WHO's 75th anniversary, President Mohamed Bazoum declared that Niger .MDG 3 is to guarantee good health and well-being for populations, said the President of Niger, speaking in a speech to mark the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization...

Côte d’Ivoire-Gratuité de soins : Création de comités anti-racket !
Côte d’Ivoire

In spite of the free health care services provided by community-based health facilities and community-based urban health training centers, some users are victims of fraud for services that are in principle free of charge. Les ESCOM tirent la sonnette d'alarme ! Facing...