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A workshop brings together key stakeholders to discuss future of health financing reforms in Uzbekistan - P4H Network

A workshop brings together key stakeholders to discuss future of health financing reforms in Uzbekistan

In a significant step toward enhancing the capacity for health system financing, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan co-hosted a two-day workshop from April 30 to May 1, 2024. This event convened key stakeholders, including representatives from the Ministry of Health’s Project Office, the State Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), and the Ministry of Finance.

Building on the recommendations laid out in the WHO/Europe report ‘Transforming the Health System in Uzbekistan: Two-Year Implementation Review,‘ the workshop explored critical aspects of health financing in Uzbekistan. Key topics included the state Guaranteed Benefit Package, ongoing strategic purchasing reforms and the role of information systems in health financing. Discussions focused on the practical application of these concepts, underscoring how to effectively implement these strategies within Uzbekistan’s country context.

Participants appreciated the opportunity to deepen their understanding, recognizing the important role they each play in contributing to ongoing health reforms. They drew particular inspiration from the success of the Syrdarya Region pilot, which showcased the scalability and impact of planned reforms.

Mr. Shuhrat Inoyatov, Deputy Head of SHIF said:

The workshop was extremely valuable. We examined how each policy intervention fits into a broader reform agenda aimed at protecting the population from financial risks and ensuring universal access to basic medical services. It was crucial to recognize that these structural reforms involve a complex process with many different stakeholders. Establishing a common understanding of this complexity and the interconnections within the system will enhance collaboration between key stakeholders and help us make more informed policy decisions,” said Mr. Shuhrat Inoyatov, Deputy Head of SHIF.

In his opening remarks, Vice Minister of Health Mr. Farukh Sharipov highlighted the transformative potential of the reforms:

We are grateful to WHO for supporting Uzbekistan in implementing health sector reforms in line with the best international practices, while adapting these to the conditions of Uzbekistan. This approach ensures that the reforms implemented in the Syrdarya region will be successfully extended to other regions, benefiting all people of Uzbekistan.

He also emphasized the importance of having the Ministry of Finance represented at the workshop, as it allows for a common understanding of the fundamental principles of these reforms and effective collaboration.

Since 2021, the Syrdarya region has served as a testing ground for comprehensive health sector reforms in delivery and financing of health services, with people-centred primary healthcare at its core. Through the Universal Health Coverage Partnership, WHO has been a key partner to the Ministry of Health in driving health financing and other reforms, which are set to be expended to other regions across the country.

The core components of the improvements to health financing are designed to create a foundation for a more efficient and equitable health system and include:

  • Establishment of the SHIF as a single purchasing agency that contracts with health facilities and pharmacies.
  • Introduction of new provider payment systems and contractual agreements with healthcare facilities.
  • Increased financial autonomy and accountability of healthcare providers
  • Strengthening the health information system’s capacity to provide accurate and timely data, crucial for informing strategic purchasing decisions and managing provider performance effectively.

For more information, contact:

  • Alexandre Katsaga, consultant, WHO Uzbekistan,
  • Jessika Yin, health policy advisor, WHO Uzbekistan,
  • Mahmudbek Alchinovich Tohtiev, project officer (Data and Digital Health), WHO Uzbekistan,