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AMU-Burkina: Pilot phase reviewed by stakeholders - P4H Network

AMU-Burkina: Pilot phase reviewed by stakeholders

From July 25 to 27, 2023, those involved in implementing the pilot phase of Universal Health Insurance (UHI). The meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of two years of implementation, and to make objective recommendations for the large-scale operationalization of AMU.

The NGO DIAKONIA, through its “Programme de renforcement de l’engagement citoyen et de la responsabilité des gouvernants dans la mise en œuvre de la politique de l’Assurance maladie universelle (AMU) au Burkina Faso”, implemented this pilot phase of AMU in four regions of the country: Centre, Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts-Bassins, from January 2020 to December 2022.

The implementation of this pilot phase has enabled the local population to become better acquainted with AMU’s policy, and to establish an ongoing dialogue between the various stakeholders. In addition, it has enabled the decision-makers responsible for implementation to report to the public on their actions. As a result, citizen watch committees are now in charge of monitoring the implementation of AMU’s policy in communities, thanks to this program.

Hamadou Kobanka, chargé de mission for the ministry in charge of the civil service, praised the synergy of actions that enabled this pilot phase to be successfully completed. “This is also a good opportunity to recognize the sustained efforts of DIAKONIA’s partners, who have made it possible to achieve the initial objective, following the positive assessment of the pilot phase carried out during this workshop,” he said.

The present meeting explored ideas for strategies and actions to be taken in the new phase.

Reference, 30 Jul 2023