RESADE (Recherche pour la Santé et le Développement) organized a workshop this Thursday, April 22, 2021, in Ouagadougou, to present the results of the study entitled ” Economie politique de la couverture sanitaire universelle au Burkina Faso : points de vue des parties prenantes et priorités de recherche “.
Political economy analysis (PEA) examines how the interests, ideas and motivations of different players promote or hinder a given reform, and/or how power and resources are used to promote or block political reforms.
These studies show that the priority areas in which research should be carried out to boost the implementation of CSU reforms are as follows protecting the population against financial risks, developing human resources in the health sector and putting reform in favor of the CSU on the agenda.
In addition, mechanisms to foster ongoing engagement between project stakeholders would be to develop communication actions on the concepts of CSU and AEP, and to set up channels for communication and ongoing consultation between stakeholders.
Read the full article here.