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April issue of newsletter highlights Integrating health and social protection policies - P4H Network

April issue of newsletter highlights Integrating health and social protection policies has released its latest newsletter, focusing on the critical integration of health and social protection policies. It highlights the intersection of healthcare access, poverty reduction, and inequality mitigation.

Key Highlights:

  • Podcast Series: The inaugural episode of the Indo-Pacific series on the Social Protection Podcast discusses the evolution of social protection in Pacific Island countries amidst COVID-19 and climate-related challenges.
  • Special Blog: A featured blog by Lou Tessier and Nathalie Both from the ILO explores how social health protection can eliminate financial barriers and strengthen primary healthcare.
  • Global Child Benefits Tracker: Access comprehensive data on child poverty and social protection policies from ILO, UNICEF, and Save the Children.
  • Upcoming Webinars: Topics include gender-responsive and disability-inclusive social protection systems in Africa (April 18) and the launch of the “Playbook on Dynamic Inclusion and Interoperability” (May 9).
  • Publications and Multimedia: Discover recent research on cash transfers, healthcare financial protection, and the impact of unemployment insurance on health in Brazil. Watch a documentary on the mental health impacts of the Bolsa Familia programme in Brazil.
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