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Azerbaijan handling the pandemic at the expense of its own financial resources - P4H Network

Azerbaijan handling the pandemic at the expense of its own financial resources

According to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan carried out all activities in the fight against the pandemic through domestic financial resources.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose serious challenges to the world. Our government has been implementing important and practical measures from the first days to protect the population and minimize the negative impact of the pandemic” –  said President Aliyev in his speech at the general debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly.

Noting that Azerbaijan has launched a vaccination campaign since mid-January of this year, the Head of State said: “The volume of vaccine doses used for every 100 people exceeds 80 percent. To support the population and business entities affected by COVID-19, a socio-economic package of about 2.7 billion US dollars has been presented. “

“As a result of the implementation of properly planned measures, the situation related to the pandemic was kept under control, and the quarantine regime introduced in our country was gradually eased” – he added.

“Stressing that Azerbaijan carried out all these activities at the expense of its own financial resources, the President said: “We have also made a voluntary financial contribution of US $10 million to the World Health Organization, provided humanitarian and financial assistance to more than 30 countries to support the fight against coronavirus. In addition, we donated 150,000 doses of vaccine to four countries.” – reported President Ilham Aliyev.


Published on 24 Sep 2021