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BENIN: Universal health coverage at the heart of a workshop in Cotonou - P4H Network

BENIN: Universal health coverage at the heart of a workshop in Cotonou

” Documentation de processus pour la Couverture sanitaire universelle (Csu) en Afrique sub-saharienne “. Experts are meeting in Cotonou to discuss this topic at a workshop organized by the Centre de recherche en reproduction humaine et en démographie (Cerrhud).  in collaboration with the Plateforme collaborative pour les solutions de financement en santé (Acs) in Benin and Africa.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Docteur Conrad Tonoukouen, Acs Coordinator, said that one of the aims of the workshop was to enable Benin to share the experience of the path they are taking to offer health insurance to the entire population of Benin.

While welcoming the Beninese government’s involvement in this initiative, he hopes that the outcome of this workshop will be favorable to the country’s health development. Cerrhud’s Director then took the floor, suggesting that each country faces  specific realities linked to its healthcare system. That’s why Dr Jean-Paul Dossou says that Benin, too, needs its own healthcare system.

That’s why, he says, the workshop aims to build the capacity of stakeholders involved in universal health coverage in Benin and the sub-region, on specific methodologies. In this way, he hopes that the participants’ opinions will contribute to the final proposal, which will be made available to Benin’s health authorities. Launching the workshop, Dr Géraud Padonou, Drfmt of the Ministry of Health, appreciated the initiative and thanked the organizations, in particular Cerrhud, for all they do for health in Benin. Affirming that the work also meets the government’s objectives, especially through the Arch project, he hopes that the conclusions will further reinforce the ideas already put in place for unequivocal health coverage in Benin.


27 Jan 2022