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Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025 - P4H Network

Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference: February 3-4, 2025

The Bujumbura International Mutualist Conference will be held on February 3 and 4, 2025.
A number of experts will be meeting to discuss the theme: “Objective of universal health and social protection in Africa – Relying on mutuals as key players in the social and solidarity economy”.

The Bujumbura conference is in line with the commitments made by the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM) to promote and support the development of mutual health insurance in Africa, in order to meet the challenge of enrolling populations in strong, accessible, quality health and social protection systems.

The event is also part of a specific international context.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) Resolution on decent work and the social/solidarity-based economy, and theUnited Nations Resolution on the promotion of the social/solidarity-based economy for sustainable development, include clear calls to governments.
These resolutions offer the mutualist movement a unique opportunity to play a central role in the social economy, thereby contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The recent Conclusions of the ILO’s work on decent work and the care economy also recognize the role of social economy entities in delivering healthcare.
The European Union has also adopted its Global Health Strategy, which recognizes that the progress made towards universal health coverage has been wiped out by the COVID-19 crisis.

In view of the above and the challenges facing the public and the mutualist movement, the objectives of the conference are as follows:

  • Reaffirm the importance of achieving universal health coverage on the African continent;
  • Take note of developments since 2022 and the Dakar Declaration as well as since 2019 and the Lomé Platform;
  • Leverage the content of International Labor Organization and United Nations Resolutions to amplify advocacy at national level.

The target audience is the Burundian, African and international mutualist movement, Burundian national policy-makers, representatives of international organizations, representatives of development agencies and donors, as well as the African Union.
