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Burkina Faso-Free health care: a positive assessment according to SPONG - P4H Network

Burkina Faso-Free health care: a positive assessment according to SPONG

The Permanent Secretariat of NGOs (SPONG) and its members take stock of the year 2020 of citizen monitoring of the free healthcare measure for pregnant women and children under 5. The results are being presented this Friday, July 23, 2021, in Ouagadougou during a workshop. Major observations were made in the six intervention regions. 

” In the course of 2020, we made some major observations: in the project’s intervention zone, when we started, we realized that the  beneficiaries of the measure did not have a very good knowledge  of the free healthcare measure. Today, we’re happy to say that, thanks to the communication and support activities we’ve carried out in the health facilities,  in the districts concerned, whether in rural or semi-urban areas, the beneficiaries are more aware of the measure. ” 

Sylvestre TIEMTORE, coordinator of the Permanent Secretariat of NGOs (SPONG).

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Published on 23 Jul 2021