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Burkina Faso-public spending: A workshop brings together stakeholders in Manga - P4H Network

Burkina Faso-public spending: A workshop brings together stakeholders in Manga

(…) More than ever, we need to be rigorous in spending public money. Despite our limited resources, with sound management we are able to achieve our (…)

This statement was made by Pr Charlemagne Ouédraogo, Minister of Health, at the end of a meeting with players in the public expenditure chain. On September 2 and 3, 2021 in Manga in the Centre-Sud region, the following question was posed: “health program for the Head of State’s five-year term”.

This major event will be attended by all those involved in the Ministry of Health’s public expenditure chain. Over the next 48 hours, they will discuss the mechanisms for efficient management of public expenditure, and will review the Ministry of Health’s budget execution to August 31, 2021.

For the head of the health department, this 1st meeting of the players in the public expenditure chain takes on a special character in the current security context.

” In these difficult times, our constant compass must be the rationalization and efficiency of public spending. Every CFA franc spent must be rigorously orthodox, in order to contribute as effectively as possible to achieving the objectives of our common mission. “he reminded us.

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02 Sep 2021