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Burkina Faso: Towards validation of a general nomenclature of acts for healthcare professionals - P4H Network

Burkina Faso: Towards validation of a general nomenclature of acts for healthcare professionals

The Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie universelle organized a workshop in Ouagadougou on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, to validate the results of the general nomenclature of acts for healthcare professionals in Burkina Faso.

Once finalized, this general nomenclature of healthcare professional acts will provide CNAMU with a technical management tool for the universal health insurance scheme, and the Ministry of Health with a tool for harmonizing practices and the pricing of acts in health facilities.

” For health insurance specifically, reimbursements are made on the basis of this reference system. When we go to pay for healthcare services in health facilities for our beneficiaries, we check to make sure that all the procedures we pay for are referenced in our nomenclature “, Dr Yves Kinda, DG CNAMU.

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11 Aug 2021