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BURUNDI: TFP-Government collaborative process - P4H Network

BURUNDI: TFP-Government collaborative process

The implementation of public health programs and policies in Burundi is supported by development partners, and this support represents the country’s primary source of health funding. This collaboration slackened with the difficult socio-political situation of 2015.

In recent years, as the socio-political climate has calmed down, several partners have shown renewed interest in supporting Burundi on its path to development. One example is the reopening a few months ago of the International Labor Organization office in Bujumbura, whose collaboration is much appreciated in the field of Social Health Protection, one of the areas of development of Universal Health Coverage.

There is a coordinating body for partners in the health sector, which holds monthly coordination meetings to better align the support of different partners with government priorities. Thematic sub-groups have also been set up, including the “Health System Strengthening and Health Financing” sub-group, for which P4H/WHO has the honor of providing leadership, and which was taken over by WHO in the course of a debate between partners.

The World Bank is preparing the third generation of Performance-Based Financing . which is coupled with the free-of-charge mechanism for children under five and women in maternity wards, and we believe that attention should be paid to this mechanism as part of the development of the Health Financing Strategy for Universal Health Coverage currently underway, which is an opportunity appreciated by all players, although some conflict of leadership between the public health and national solidarity administrations must be taken into account.


P4H CFP/ Burundi

15 Dec 2021