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Cameroon: National Assembly in favor of Universal Health Coverage - P4H Network

Cameroon: National Assembly in favor of Universal Health Coverage

“Protection towards Universal Health Coverage and Covid19 vaccination: opportunities for human capital development”. This was the theme of the special plenary session chaired on Wednesday June 23 by the Vice-President of the National Assembly, Théophile Baoro. Discussions with the national representatives focus on the establishment of a legislative framework for Universal Health Coverage in Cameroon. Discussions revealed that the initial cost to the public treasury was high, and this has been revised downwards.

“Today, we have already signed a public-private partnership contract to deploy the enrolment equipment. The private partner will also be able to collect and buy back the care. The Cameroonian side will take care of the technical side, as we are responsible for managing the validation of the care provided.

According to the Minister of Health, a favorable legal environment has been created for the forthcoming advent of this health system, which will benefit all Cameroonians.

Read the full article here

23 Jun 2021