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Chad: Meeting of TFP/Health Technicians, N'Djaména, March 02, 2022 - P4H Network

Chad: Meeting of TFP/Health Technicians, N’Djaména, March 02, 2022

As part of their regular meetings, technicians from Development Partners active in the health sector in Chad met on March 02, 2022 in the UNICEF meeting room. During the meeting, representatives from WHO, Unicef, the World Bank, AFD, UNFPA, UNAIDS and the P4H Focal Point discussed (1) the state of preparation for the forum on reducing maternal, neonatal and child mortality, (2) the pandemic situation in Covid19, (3) the status of the CSU process, (4) the PNDS 3 evaluation process and the drafting of PNDS 4, (5) the 2019 and 2020 national health accounts, and the health financing strategy, (6) the drafting of the ToR for the TFP/Health coordination meeting and (7) the revitalization of the Heads of Agencies meeting.

The P4H focal point gave an update on actions carried out as part of the CSU process since the last TFP/Health meeting in November 2021. In particular, he  informed participants of a study trip to Rwanda financed by the P4H network for the benefit of national partners, from December 6 to 13, 2021. He also reported on the work of the recruitment committee for the DG and DGA of the Caisse nationale d’asssurance santé. He ended with a few points of perspective on the various studies to be carried out as part of the launch of the CSU scheme dedicated to the underprivileged. 

05 Mar 2022