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CNAMU visit to the Ministry of Health: AMU's objectives discussed - P4H Network

CNAMU visit to the Ministry of Health: AMU’s objectives discussed

The newly-installed Minister of Health has begun a series of discussions with his staff. These include CNAMU. A delegation from the Caisse d’assurance maladie universelle, led by the institution’s General Manager, paid a visit to the new tenant of the ministerial chair. Discussions between Pr Charlemagne OUEDRAOGO and Dr Yves Justin KINDA focused on the ongoing process of making free, quality healthcare available to Burkina Faso’s poor.

The DG of CNAMU, which benefited from the L4UHC program on behalf of Burkina between 2019 and 2020, was galvanized by this so-called courtesy visit. This comes on the heels of the Burkinabe Prime Minister’s policy statement in which he announced the roll-out of a national program to promote equal access to healthcare. The continued implementation of the policy of free healthcare for pregnant women and children under five was also mentioned, a policy which is fully in line with AMU’s objectives in Burkina.

The Universal Health Insurance Fund is leading the extension of this health policy to the elderly, effective from September 25, 2020.

Published on 15 Feb 2021