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Congo calls for an international primary healthcare day - P4H Network

Congo calls for an international primary healthcare day

At the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, the Republic of Congo, through its Minister of Health, recommended the establishment of an ” International Primary Health Care Day ” to be celebrated on September 12 each year.

Gilbert Mokoki, the Republic of Congo’s Minister of Health, welcomed the event , whose theme was “A world mobilized for health, health for everyone”. In his address on the podium of the 77th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization, he explained that the Congo’s health development project is focused on primary health care, and since its promulgation in 1992 has mobilized bilateral and multilateral players, related sectors, civil society, non-governmental organizations and associations, communities and traditional players.

“The government is also working to decentralize the health sector, revitalize health districts, build general hospitals in each department, and make universal health insurance effective, in order to improve the supply of and access to healthcare for the entire population. This is why, among the challenges and commitments of the Congolese government, the health sector still occupies a prominent place in its “Social progress for all in solidarity” programme.

The Minister in charge of Health believes that by strengthening the “primary healthcare” sub-sector, it is possible to maintain synergy between all the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) and all its partners, in order to achieve the ” Health for All ” objective. For this reason, he recommends the establishment of an International Primary Health Care Day, to be celebrated on September 12 each year. This date, he continued, coincides with the declaration of primary health care in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan.

Roger Ngombé, Primary health care: Congo recommends a world health day, Central African News Agency