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Côte d'Ivoire CMU: diabetes and stroke now covered by CNAM - P4H Network

Côte d’Ivoire CMU: diabetes and stroke now covered by CNAM

During an awareness-raising day in the commune of Abobo, the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (CNAM) reiterated the benefits of universal health coverage, of which it is the standard-bearer. To date, a total of 3,483,793 Ivorians have been enrolled and are benefiting from CMU.

“Our level of care consists of consultations, divided into 12 specialties covering 617 pathologies. In addition to consultations, we offer blood tests, imaging, hospitalization, emergencies and medication. We deal with emergency cases of chronic pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes. In other words, if someone has had a stroke, a hypertensive attack or hyperglycemia and is on a regimen, we take charge of them. This is the exception made for pathologies that we don’t currently cover”, explained Dr. Heindé Benjamin, CNAM’s medical advisor. 


18 Aug 2022