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Côte d'Ivoire: CNAM raises awareness of the need for mass take-up of health coverage - P4H Network

Côte d’Ivoire: CNAM raises awareness of the need for mass take-up of health coverage

On Thursday June 23, 2022, a delegation from the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (CNAM), led by Dr. Oumar Coulibaly, Head of the Benefits Monitoring and Control Department, met with the people of the commune of Koumassi, to raise awareness of the need for a massive take-up of Universal Health Coverage (CMU).

Since October1 2019, the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie has begun the phase of generalizing the operationalization of CMU nationwide. As of June 20, 2022, 3, ,424 ,953 people have been enrolled, 3, ,253 ,660 cards have been produced and 2, ,420 ,955 cards have been distributed. In terms of healthcare services, statistics for the same date show 202,655 insured persons treated, 615,774 procedures performed, including 166,549 prescriptions dispensed.

It’s a campaign that we’ve been running since last year in the communes, to get closer to our policyholders, our populations, and create much more excitement around universal health coverage. Our populations are not yet accustomed to all aspects of health risk coverage. It’s important for us to reach out to them, talk to them and address their concerns.

The representative of CNAM’s General Manager set out the aim of the campaign, which included a public lecture on “The harmful effects of smoking, alcohol and the consumption of illicit substances”.

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24 Jun 2022