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Côte d'Ivoire: Government welcomes PSGOUV implementation - P4H Network

Côte d’Ivoire: Government welcomes PSGOUV implementation

The Council adopted a communication on the final report on the implementation of the Government’s Social Program (PSGOUV).

The Government Social Program (PSGOUV) has been adopted for the 2019-2020 period at an initial cost of 727.5 billion FCFA, with a view to improving people’s purchasing power, reducing poverty and strengthening social cohesion. In line with the President of the Republic’s decision to increase the volume of activities to reach more people, the scope of the PSGOUV has been extended to new projects as part of the preparation of the 2020 Budget. The overall revised budget for the PSGOUV is therefore 1,046.6 billion FCFA. Of the total financing expected, resources mobilized amounted to 791.6 billion FCFA, or 75.6% of the total amount expected. The overall execution rate was 90.4% over the two (2) years.

In fact, in 2019, the amount executed stood at 331.9 billion FCFA and in 2020 it came to 422.2 billion FCFA, with respective execution rates of 89.8% and 90.8%.

After the two (2) years allotted for its implementation, it should be noted that the PSGOUV has achieved tangible results in all the areas concerned. The effects are clearly perceptible on the ground, notably in the school access and retention program for children aged 6 to 16, the electricity for all program, the access to drinking water program, the road maintenance program, the social safety nets program and the Universal Health Coverage program. At the end of December 2020 :

  • 127,000 households in 2019 (spread across 21 regions and 1,534 villages) increased to 227,000 households in 2020 have benefited from social safety nets in all regions of the country, as well as in all 108 departments in urban areas;
  • 143,335 people received CMU benefits in health centers from October 2019 to the end of 2020, including 108,456 in 2020.

Source: Council of Ministers, March 24, 2021 (attached document)

01 Apr 2021