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Côte d'Ivoire: Minister of Health takes guided tour of CNAM - P4H Network

Côte d’Ivoire: Minister of Health takes guided tour of CNAM

Minister Adama Kamara’s visit to the premises of the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie gives fresh impetus to the continuation of the project. Couverture Maladie Universelle, created by la loi n°2014-131 du 24 mars 2014, aims to offer populations residing in Côte d’Ivoire, equitable access to healthcare. Its implementation has been entrusted to the Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie.

However, after just a few years of operation, results have fallen well short of expectations: 

They focus   on enrolment levels, which are below expectations. As a reminder, the State-SNEDAI PPP (public-private partnership) contract provided for a minimum of 3,700,000 people to be enrolled in 2015, a figure that will not be reached in 2021. The low rate of production and distribution of CMU cards, the low level of collection by the CNPS des CMU contributions from private companies, the low level of collection of contributions for the informal sector, and the non-application of CMU tariffs in community-based health establishments (ESCom). 

However, the CMU project is dear to the Ivorian authorities and the CNAM general manager unveiled to the Minister of Health, the statistics as of 02 August 2021:

  • 3,135,478 people were enrolled,
  • 2,864,272 cards were produced
  • 1,964 284 distributed.

A far cry from the objectives set when the structure was created.

Read more.

11 Aug 2021