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Country coordination for health financing strategy - P4H Network

Country coordination for health financing strategy

Subject: Summary of small CP meeting on HCF strategy support in Zambia

Attachment: Matrix of organisational support


Dear Dr Simoonga and Mubita,

I am writing this mail on behalf of the health CPs.

Updates from the last HCF TWG meeting were discussed during our health CP meeting in April.  Once again, we all felt that there is a need to coordinate our support to the government towards the development of a National HCF Strategy in a better way.  All the CPs (and other partners such as UNZA who were present) copied here have agreed to the points below.  I am also copying in Larry Marum as part of the troika.

  •  Each CP present outlined what support they were providing currently and potential future support to HCF. This is summarised in the attached table.
  • There was consensus that June 2012 may be too soon to develop a full HCF strategy but is a good timeline for developing a roadmap towards such a strategy.
  • There was consensus that extra evidence is needed to inform a strategy.
  • There was consensus on which extra studies are needed EXCEPT for the need for an updated PETS and a Private sector study.  These two can still be discussed.
  • UNZA is aware of their own HR and financial resource limitations when suggesting extra studies
  • The meeting revealed that quite a few EXTRA financial and technical resources exist to support extra studies if needed
  • The sequence of events suggested by CPs is evidence gathering first, followed by development of the strategy
  • The strategy should be able to carry Zambia through to 2030 to a sustainably financed health system

We hope the next steps will be more detailed discussion during the next HCF TWG around some of the above, namely, a proposed timeline, which extra studies are needed and who can support these with which resources.  Looking forward to your reply and to the next HCF TWG and to helping move forward to a strong HCF strategy for Zambia.

All the Best,


Dr Meena Gandhi, Health Advisor, DFID Zambia, British High Commission, PO Box 50050, 15101 Ridgeway, Lusaka, Zambia.

Tel: +260211423300 (Office); +260211423357 (Direct); +260965471766 (Mobile).  E-mail:

08 May 2013
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