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COVID19: Senegal launches a national vaccination plan - P4H Network

COVID19: Senegal launches a national vaccination plan

On February 23, Senegal’s Minister of Health, Abboulaye Diouf Sarr, , described the “health of the people” as “the most dangerous thing in the world”.  ” on this day. Senegal is one of the few African countries to have launched a vaccination campaign. An effective start thanks to the acquisition of vaccines via a national strategy for Senegal who decided not to wait for the Covax vaccine, which should arrive around March, according to the Minister.

To this end, the country has purchased 200, ,000 doses of Sinopharm, distributed throughout Senegal’s fourteen regions, all of which are equipped with refrigerators. Although this is a relatively small quantity , the Ministry assures us that discussions are being finalized with Russia. The aim is to vaccinate all Senegalese over 60 with co-morbidities or chronic illnesses, as well as healthcare personnel.

Even if the Head of State, like several of the ministers who received the first dose, is not part of the “priority target” enlisted for this campaign, they were keen to pave the way for certain “recalcitrants” to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Macky Sall is vaccinated against coronavirus.

03 Mar 2021