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Designing a new coordination mechanism - P4H Network

Designing a new coordination mechanism

Given the new Health Strategic Plan 2016-20, the development of the Social Health Protection Framework by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the invitation of several donor partners (and finally agreement by the others) for P4H to coordinate the technical input to the pooled funding arrangements the P4H Network is set for a new start in Cambodia.  

The inclusive networking approach of P4H forms the mould for a new coordination mechanism.  The attached draft TOR and modus operandi have been discussed during a meeting on 4 March by the World Bank, GIZ, KfW, BMZ, KOICA, JICA, DFAT, WHO, AFD, ILO and USAID.  A meeting to finalise the TOR is proposed for 23 or 30 March.   


04 Mar 2016