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DP Workshop: “Shared Vision in Advocating for Sustainable Financing of Health in Tanzania” - P4H Network

DP Workshop: “Shared Vision in Advocating for Sustainable Financing of Health in Tanzania”


On the 26th of October 2016, the Health Policy Plus (HP+) project facilitated a stakeholders’ meeting, hosted by USAID and P4H, to discuss common areas of interest in advocating for sustainable financing for health and priority diseases such as HIV/AIDS in Tanzania.  The meeting provided an opportunity for all participants to share their approaches, areas of interest, and priorities related to improved funding levels and better management of scarce resources for health. This meeting built on the success of the session held in January 2016 that helped development partners gain consensus and align advocacy ‘asks’. This coordinated effort resulted in the Government of Tanzania (GOT) making a significant new allocation in the FY 2016/17 budget for supply chain costs including a substantial repayment of the amount owed to Medical Stores Department. Also in the budget is a first time contribution by the GOT for the purchase of ARVs in the amount of TZS 10 billion.    


The meeting goals were to:


·        Identify common areas of interest among stakeholders and advocates for the medium-term related to sustainable financing for the health sector and in reference to the suggested reforms in the health financing strategy


·        Facilitate communication and coordination around improved domestic resource mobilization for health in the current period (FY 2017/18 budget cycle)


·        Share best practices and approaches on what works to engage key stakeholders


Development Partners to shared experiences and participated in robust discussions on how to best move the health budget advocacy agenda forward and collectively engage key stakeholders.

See agenda, presentations, inputs and output/ results on the joint messaging of this workshop in the attached documents:

FY 2016-17 Budget Analysis_FINAL

Health investment framework DRAFT_1025

October 2016 Development Partners Advocacy Meeting Agenda_FINAL


TZ FY 2016-17 Budget Brief_FINAL


Published on 27 Oct 2016