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First Results Based Financing Steering Committee Meeting held - P4H Network

First Results Based Financing Steering Committee Meeting held

The first meeting of the RBF Steering Committee took place on 1st September 2015 under the chairmanship of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

The Ministry is currently implementing its RBF pre-pilot in Shinyanga Region at Kishapu District with the plan to roll out  RBF country-wide starting with the 13 priority regions of the presidential Big Results Now initiative.

Financing of the pilot currently derives mainly from a RBF-targeted World Bank Trust Fund to which also USAID have recently committed substantial funding plus Funds of the newly established Global Financing Facility portion for Tanzania.

The Steering Committee is a high level body responsible for providing the overall direction and guidance throughout the course of RBF implementation ensuring its alignment to the strategic objectives of the HFS draft.  Membership of the Committee consists of senior representatives of relevant MOHSW departments, PMO-RALG, MOF, one CSO and one private sector representative as well as DPs, particularly relevant P4H partners and the P4H focal point.

Highlights of the first meeting were the establishment of working procedures, roles and responsibilities of members, the need to conduct close process and impact evaluation of the RBF implementation and look particularly at the funding flows (RBF, BRN, Basket, Infrastructure Development funds, CCHP allocations etc.) from different sources within RBF Districts in order to ensure equitable distribution of funds across health facilities.

01 Sep 2015