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Forming a 'Partnership for Universal Health Coverage' - January 2012 - P4H Network

Forming a ‘Partnership for Universal Health Coverage’ – January 2012

Though Indonesia has made significant progress towards UHC/SHP in the last few years, a number of strategic choices still need to be made with regard to the enrolment of the informal sector, the harmonisation of various insurance benefit packages, improving efficiency through provider payment mechanisms, and the harmonisation of various insurance carriers. In this context, the prospect of joint harmonised support of development partners has been welcomed by various national agencies, such as the National Social Security Council (DJSN), the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Ministry of Health.

Several P4H network partners are already, or intend to become, more active with regard to UC and SHP in Indonesia. Promoting open and inclusive networking at country level, WHO Indonesia launched a ‘Partnership for Universal Health Coverage’ in Jan 2012 comprising WHO, the World Bank, ILO, GIZ, AusAID, JICA, USAID and the JLN.

15 Jan 2012