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GFF organises a seminar on the institutionalisation of Zimbabwe's Results Based Financing - P4H Network

GFF organises a seminar on the institutionalisation of Zimbabwe’s Results Based Financing

In 2011, the Government of Zimbabwe in collaboration with the World Bank, initiated Results Based Financing (RBF) with the goal of increasing the availability, accessibility and utilisation of quality health care services. RBF is an example of strategic purchasing where funds and incentives are aligned with legal entitlements to health services and are guided by detailed information on the performance of providers and the health needs of the population served. As such, RBF has the potential to improve financial protection through reduced out-of- pocket expenditure, make the distribution of resources more equitable and enhance the transparency and accountability of providers and purchasers.

As of   2021, the GOZ has successfully institutionalized RBF in all the 60 districts. It is in this spirit that the Global Fund Facility in collaboration with the World Bank organized a seminar on 5 May, 2022  to share Zimbabwe’s experience and knowledge with the Institutionalization of RBF so that other countries can learn from it. The policy notes accompying the seminar can be found on the link here


Published on 16 May 2022