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GFF - P4H collaboration: telco April 2016 - P4H Network

GFF – P4H collaboration: telco April 2016

Notes of GFF – P4H CD/CFP Telco on 22 April 2016

Participants: WB-GFF: Mirja Sjoblom; P4H Country Focal Points: Nina Siegert (Tanzania), Ludovic Queuille (Haiti), Alexis Bigeard (AFRO), Josselin Guillebert (Cameroon); P4H CD: Gwen Dhaene, Claude Meyer, Michael Adelhardt. 


GFF-P4H areas of common interest: 

  • HF and HF strategies towards UHC;
  • Capacity development for HF/UHC, including creating synergies and coordinating efforts with JLN;
  • Countries: DRC, Cameroon, Senegal, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Bangladesh;
  • Expanding collaboration to include other interested partners;
  • Avoiding duplication.


Some observed challenges and opportunities at country level: 

  • Bringing RMNCAH (investment case) and HF (HFS) processes together; in case of Tanzania, sharing of information by WB and MOHDCGEC could be improved among health financing related stakeholders;  GFF  could help to promote an open and transparent process and encourage information sharing on GFF TZ developments through the respective technical working groups;
  • GFF could leverage HFS implementation;
  • Importance of taking into account ownership, pace and capacity at country level; as well as sequencing of support, e.g. in DRC first develop national plan, then tailor support e.g. through GFF accordingly;  question was raised whether we should also have a country focal point in DRC, and whether GFF could support this;
  • In Senegal, GFF has been strongly encouraged to align with the HSS strategy and implementation platform set up by national policy makers, while concerns were voiced that GFF could potentially lead to parallel external support co-ordination mechanisms ultimately proving orthogonal to HSS (i.e. focusing on maternal and child care only);
  • Positive model for exchange and collaboration evolving in Cameroon;  the design of the HFS is boosted by the GFF; MoH needs to decide how to bring HF and UHC group together.
  • Sometimes no designated person to talk to regarding GFF process at country level;  suggestion to map GFF and P4H colleagues in overlapping countries, and include them in next telco.


Suggestion on way forward:

  • Improving collaboration between GFF and P4H:  MS will prepare a GFF map, summarize discussion and prepare 1 slide per country for the next investors call in May; P4H CFP and CD to provide inputs, and possibly participate in the investor call;
  • Regular exchange, e.g. bi-monthly or quarterly calls: GFF team, O4H CD and CFPs, also invite involved TTLs and PMs;
  • P4H Country Focal Point function and added value for GFF, as well as possible GFF support to funding this function, requires further discussion.
  • GFF and P4H teams to work together in breaking down silos between RMNCAH and HF processes.


22 Apr 2016