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Health Financing in Sierra Leone - P4H Network

Health Financing in Sierra Leone

In view of the commitment of the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), there is an urgent need to consider its financing. To this end, the GoSL has embarked on the development of a health financing strategy and outlined clear steps to address health financing issues and to move closer to UHC. In addition, the new Public Finance Management Act (PFM) of 2016 requires a new government to prepare a fiscal strategy statement in which it should set out its fiscal objectives for the next five years and provide macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts, as well as an assessment of fiscal risks. For a health financing strategy to be useful, it is essential to diagnose the current problems of the country’s health system and identify the underlying causes. In order to gain an overview of relevant data and results, the Health Financing Unit under the Directorate of Policy, Planning and Information and other health partners has published a situation analysis on health financing in Sierra Leone, which includes a detailed description of financing arrangements from various sources and services.

The corresponding Health Financing Situation Analysis of 2019 as well as the Fiscal Strategy Statement (FSS) for 2019-2013 (published in 2018) and the Insurance Law of 2016 can be found in the related documents

Published on 30 Nov 2019