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Health system measures in Hungary - COVID-19 - June 2020 - P4H Network

Health system measures in Hungary – COVID-19 – June 2020

The health system measures put into place in Hungary to contain the spread of COVID-19 are:

– On 4 April, the government announced a HUF 663 billion (1.4% of GDP) Epidemic Prevention Fund to cover additional health spending, including a 20% wage increase for health care professionals in November 2020. Most of the funding of the Fund will be redirected from other budgetary items, and around 91 billion will be raised through new bank and retail levies.

– As of 7 May, testing capacity has been increased to 6,000 a day.

– On 23 April, the government ordered pubic hospitals to free up 50% of bed capacity for a potential renewed surge in the number of COVID-19 patients.

– Several central hospitals and four major hospitals outside Budapest have been prepared to receive new cases.

– Administrative procedures for the use and supply of medical products have been simplified.

– Export restrictions were introduced for certain medical products.

The published information can be found here

18 Jun 2020
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