From 2-4 June 2010, representatives from Bangladesh, WB, GTZ and the P4H CD attended a “High-Level Forum on Health Financing in South Asia” in the Maldives. The objectives of the Forum were to jointly consider the broad concepts and policy implications of key issues in health economics and the objectives and functions of health financing systems in the South Asia region. During the Forum, the team from Bangladesh came up with the following action plan: Initiation of policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders (i.e. MOHFW, MoF, MOLGRD, other ministries, civil society) with an aim to formulate a health financing strategy which explores the options how to:
• increase mobilization of resources;
• distribute resources based on need and equity;
• manage resources more efficiently and effectively.
In early 2010 the P4H Coordination Desk (CD) has been informed that GER (GTZ), WB, WHO and the EU were planning a joint workshop on health system financing in September 2010. One objective of this event was to draft a roadmap, which would outline steps for identifying reform options.