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Implementing CSU in Burkina Faso: RAME conducts two studies - P4H Network

Implementing CSU in Burkina Faso: RAME conducts two studies

During a workshop in Ouagadougou, RAME (Réseau accès aux médicaments essentiels) presented the results of two major studies on universal health coverage. The opening ceremony was chaired by Dr Pierre YAMEOGO, technical secretary for universal health coverage, and a member of the Leadership for CSU 2019-2020 program.

As part of the Creation of a social movement in support of the CSU in Burkina Faso “, RAME commissioned two studies : ” L’analyse socio-anthropologique sur la représentation de la santé, les moyens pour la sauvegarder ou la restaurer et la responsabilité des acteurs ” and ” l’Analyse des goulots d’étranglement entravant la mise en œuvre efficace de la couverture santé universelle au Burkina Faso “. During a workshop, stakeholders were invited to appropriate the results of these studies in order to improve the content of the analyses carried out.

We need the commitment of all stakeholders, especially local communities. In this case, we need to work hand in hand so that we can have community participation and involvement in the implementation of the various activities. It is in this sense that I dare to hope that the social movement in favor of the CSU initiated by the NGO RAME will offer a great opportunity for all community players in Burkina Faso. 

Dr Pierre YAMEOGO.

Read thefull article.

27 Apr 2021