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Information systems will simplify the work of the Health Insurance Fund - P4H Network

Information systems will simplify the work of the Health Insurance Fund

Information systems will simplify the work of the Health Insurance Fund in Uzbekistan and will also help control the quality of services provided, according to the memorandum of cooperation in digitalization of healthcare, signed between three companies: the Digital Holding, Megafon, and IT-Med (the latter is a company under the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan).

It is planned to complete the creation of a unified medical records database and a platform of integrated information systems in Uzbekistan by 2025.

The Digital Holding is a joint venture between MegaFon, YueSeM Telecom and the government of Uzbekistan. Its structure includes telecom operator Ucell, New Solutions (formerly ICS Holding Uzbekistan) and CRPT Turon.

“Modern digital technologies help not only build and automate processes, freeing the staff of health care organizations from part of routine work, but also improve the quality and efficiency of service delivery,” said Andrey Maigur, CEO of Digital Holding. According to him, the company has extensive experience in implementing similar projects in other countries. Therefore, they are ready to offer opportunities to strengthen the healthcare system in Uzbekistan.

Patients will witness the transition to electronic medical records and convenient services to book appointments with doctors online, as well as receipt of laboratory test results via sms and e-mail.

In addition to developing solutions for telemedicine consultations and launching an electronic prescription platform, the efforts of the parties will be directed to the development of information systems that will aim to simplify the management of the Health Insurance Fund and control the quality of services provided.


Source and photo credit: SputnikNews

25 Apr 2022