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Launch of workshops to draw up a legal framework for health insurance in Chad - P4H Network

Launch of workshops to draw up a legal framework for health insurance in Chad

As part of the operationalization of Chad’s National Strategy for Universal Health Coverage, a working group has been set up to develop the legal framework for the Health Insurance Scheme (DAS). The group’s work was launched on December 07, 2017 during a workshop organized for this purpose by the Cellule Interministérielle de Coordination with the support of the P4H network’s technical assistance mission and placed under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Health. This first meeting of the working group was marked by three presentations:

  • the working group’s terms of reference,
  • the document on health insurance in Chad,
  • A methodological approach to developing a national health insurance law

Following the kick-off workshop, the working group met on December 21 and 22, 2017. During these meetings, a plan for drafting the law was defined, and proposals were made for the general provisions and scope of application of the law.

Further work is scheduled as follows:

  • January 15, 16 and 17, 2018

    to address points on the assumption of guaranteed benefits and the management of the insurance system ;

  • January 24, 25 and 26, 2018

    to deal with out-of-court settlements, prescription litigation and penal provisions;

  • January 31 and February 1 and 2, 2018 to deal with miscellaneous, transitional and final provisions. During the same meetings, an explanatory memorandum for the law will be drawn up, along with draft texts for the creation of management and regulatory bodies. This will also be the occasion to prepare the list of other application texts to be drawn up.
07 Dec 2017