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On 3-7 December 2018, GIZ Nepal, WHO and World Bank, in collaboration with the P4H Network supported the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) in organizing the follow-up intervention of the Leadership for Universal Health Coverage (L4UHC). This is a follow-on exercise from a 2016-2017 L4UHC program where Nepal was a participating country and focused their implementation efforts on drug availability (refer to the links below).

There were 30 participants from Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Health Insurance Board, International Development Partners and academia in the L4UHC workshop held. The objective of the in-country support module is to help government stakeholders increase their confidence in collaborating and managing the development and implementation of a health financing strategy.

The program’s theory of change argues that improving the collective understanding of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) complexity, developing individual competencies and establishing and/or strengthening coalitions which can deliver results, are necessary ingredients for advancing UHC reforms.


As part of the program objective, participants reviewed the necessary factors of success for their collaboration and assessed their personal contributions to their coordination challenges. They defined the vision statement of the Universal Health Coverage and created a roadmap and planning for the development of a health financing strategy.

Participants envision the potential models of UHC – a single purchaser that will generate and pool resources into one fund by integrating fragmented social health protection schemes to ensure cross subsidy between rich and poor, healthy and sick, young and elderly population.

Participants were exposed to and practiced leadership skills including: individual leadership, multi-stakeholder collaboration and decision making, working in complexity and leading by listening. Lastly, Participants valued collaborating in heterogeneous teams.

References to the link of L4UHC held in 2016 and 2017.


Monday Dec 3

  • Facilitators meet with in-country counterparts and ensure preparations are in place and expectations are aligned
  • Work session for L4UHC delivery team with country focal points Meeting with Minister of Health and other country representatives as needed

Tuesday Dec 4

  • Participants define their personal and collective connection to UHC and explore UHC complexity in Nepal
  • Testimonial, welcome and framing of program objectives
  • Aligning on program expectations and exploring individual connection
  • Conversation on leadership. Why L4UHC?
  • Overview of Program Content and skills: a. Self-leadership. b. Systems, c. Mobilizing others.

Wednesday Dec 5

  • Participants make sense of UHC in their country and define common values
  • Debrief from day 2
  • Leading by listening and dialogue exercise
  • Introduction to sculpting in the context of health financing reform.
  • This includes: defining current realities including stakeholders, relationships and forces

Thursday Dec 6

  • Participants practice listening skills and iden­tify the focus of their Col­lective Action Initiatives
  • Field visit of a success story from same or different sector


  • Presentation from guest speakers who have overcome challenges of coordination, vision and leadership.

Friday Dec 7

  • Participants prepare self & coalition for leadership and collective action
  • Debrief from day 4
  • Reflections: Guided journaling (topic – self leadership competencies needed for collective action on health financing)
  • Dialogue Walk – factors for successful joint development of health financing strategy.
  • Immunity to change: getting a functional working group
Published on 07 Feb 2019